Quasi Gut Armour 16 Gauge Reel – Tennis String


Created for players who play with poly string but desire comfort of multi-filament string. For feel, comfort and arm friendly.

  • Gauge: 16
  • Length: 200 meter


The USRSA play tests concluded with “Quasi Gut Armour received the second highest rating for comfort out of 175 play tests.”

Created for players who play with poly string but desire comfort of multi-filament string. For feel, comfort and arm friendliness.

Quasi Gut Armour 16 Gauge Racket String is designed to be highly durable, along side being able to deliver a very high level of comfort during play. This string is a very popular string with our more casual players, wanting a much more forgiving and comfortable string to play with. We highly recommend this string for people who suffer with tennis elbow regularly, as the vibrations sent down the arm arm considerably lowered.